Sunday, February 8, 2015

Exiting Egypt - Exodus 13:17-20

Note- the maps below are possible paths of the Hebrews out of Egypt.  There are differing opinions on the correct path from Rameses to the Biblical Mt. Sinai.

Exodus 12:37 Children of Israel journey from Rameses to Succoth

Exodus 13:17-20

Exodus 13:17 Why didn't God lead the people by the Way of the Philistines which was the shortest distance to the Promised Land?

Exodus 13:22 How did God lead the people by day?

Exodus 13:22 How did God lead the people by night?

Exodus 14:11 Did the people trust in God?

Exodus 14:13 Did Moses trust in God?

Exodus 14:28 What happened to the chariots of the Egyptian army?

Click to see video of the wreckage in the Gulf of Aqaba

Note- It would take about 1 week for someone to travel at a rate of 3mph from Succoth on the map above to the border of the Red Sea Crossing at the Gulf of Aqaba.  The distance is approximately 200 miles based on the path seen above.

Philistines - Enemies of Israel (Goliath was a Philistine)
Pi Hahiroth
Baal Zephon

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Great Flood - Genesis 6,7,8 and 9

Guide to Genesis Chapter 6, 7, 8 and 9 - The Great Flood

Genesis 2:5-6 Before the flood how was the Earth watered?  

Genesis 5:32 Man lived much longer before the flood. 

Genesis 6:4 What did God say would be man's life span going forward?

Genesis 6:5 How would you describe mans thoughts before the flood?

Genesis 6:13 What was the earth filled with?

Genesis 6:15 How long would the ark be?  How wide would the ark be?

Genesis 6:16 How many decks did the ark have?

Genesis 6:22 Did Noah do exactly as God asked?

Hebrews 11:7 Did Noah need faith to do what God asked when he had not seen a flood before?

II Peter 2:5 Was Noah a preacher?

I Peter 3:20 Did Noah preach to the people and try to get them to repent?

Genesis 8:4 On which mountains did the ark rest?

Genesis 9:11 Will the earth be destroyed by another flood?

Genesis 9:12-17 What sign did God give Noah as a sign that another flood would never destroy the earth?

Pic. 1 Structure in mountains of Turkey near border of Iran

Pic. 2 Petrified wood making up outer layer of structure see in picture 1

Polystrate tree trunks can be found upside down, diagonal and right side up through what was thought to be thousands of years of rock layers.  How could this have happened?

Does science show proof of a flood?

ABC News - Great Flood?

Does the Grand Canyon show evidence of a great flood?

Water from the rock at Rephidim

Read Exodus 17:1-7

God worked out a miracle in giving the people the water.  But we have some questions to answer.

Exodus 17:2-3 Did the Israelites trust Gods plan for them?
Exodus 17:4 Was Moses worried?
Exodus 17:6 What came out of the rock when Moses struck it?